Title Bar Marquee using simple Javascript
If you Want a Moving Marquee for your Website,then just paste the code in respective Header and body sections.
<!-- Add the script to the HEAD Section -->
<!-- Begin
var mar = " welcome to altuts.com ";
function altuts() {
mar = mar.substring(1, mar.length) + mar.substring(0, 1);
document.title = mar;
setTimeout("altuts()", 300);
// End -->
<!-- Add this code line to the body tag as below -->
<body onLoad="altuts()">
If you Want a Moving Marquee for your Website,then just paste the code in respective Header and body sections.
<!-- Add the script to the HEAD Section -->
<!-- Begin
var mar = " welcome to altuts.com ";
function altuts() {
mar = mar.substring(1, mar.length) + mar.substring(0, 1);
document.title = mar;
setTimeout("altuts()", 300);
// End -->
<!-- Add this code line to the body tag as below -->
<body onLoad="altuts()">
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